Month: July 2020

  • Parallels of the Scientific Method and Design-Thinking

    When I was in middle school, I first learned about the scientific method. I was told there exists a process that scientists follow to make discoveries, and was amazed that I could follow the same process that impactful scientists follow in my own classroom.

    We spent many lessons conducting experiments and following this process, asking questions, and testing our theories. I was never great at science in an academic sense, nonetheless I always found it interesting and recognized its importance.

    From Design to Science and back again

    Episode 20 – The Scientific Method – COMMON DESCENT

    At its core, the scientific method is a problem-solving framework. The steps are as follows:

    1. Make an observation
    2. Ask a question
    3. Form a hypothesis, or testable explanation
    4. Make a prediction based on the hypothesis
    5. Test the prediction
    6. Iterate

    If you’re a design practitioner or in the tech industry, this process may sound familiar to you, and not just because it’s the scientific method that many of us learn in school.

    Design-thinking has become a buzzphrase, but has existed in some form for as long as people have been developing products, though it’s been popularized in the last 15 years or so.

    What is Design Thinking? – Agile Elephant making sense of digital ...

    The design-thinking framework is as follows:

    1. Frame a Question
    2. Gather Inspiration
    3. Generate Ideas
    4. Make Ideas Tangible
    5. Test to Learn
    6. Share the Story

    Lather, rinse, iterate

    The main similarities of both lie in the larger idea: testing and iteration. One of the most important aspects of both science and design is to test your ideas in real-world scenarios and iterate as necessary.

    Iteration in this context is not repetition, we’re not embodying the old saying, “…doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Iteration differs from repetition because when we iterate, we slightly alter what we are testing, not testing the same version over and over again.

    Within each iterative step, we test the same version multiple times, but without changing what we test, we’re not getting the best bang for our buck with each round of testing.

    No idea is going to be perfect the first time around, so its up to us as developers of ideas and problem solvers to continually iterate and tweak our solution until it’s the best it can be in the given scenario.

    When it’s more trouble than it’s worth

    Something important to remember is there comes a point of diminishing returns. This applies more-so to product development than scientific work, because developing software doesn’t usually come with the responsibility of something like a life-saving drug.

    We can observe diminishing returns when we enjoy a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie. The first cookie is heavenly, so we decide to have another. The second cookie is also delicious, but not quite as enjoyable as the first. If we continue down this path of cookie inhalation, after four or five (to each their own), we probably won’t enjoy them at all anymore.

    We can iterate twenty times on something and it might be better than it was the fifteenth time, but after going through the process enough, we can gauge when is truly the balanced time to call it quits.

    There’s no hard and fast rule around iteration in software because every situation at each company is different. At some companies, they may find that the sweet spot for them is testing and iterating three or four times before delivering, while others may take eight to ten iterations.

    With software (and possibly science, but I wouldn’t know for sure since I’m not a scientist), we have deadlines to hit. We can’t spend the rest of our days iterating on a feature or product until it’s perfect, which is an illusion anyway.

    We can iterate and test a handful of times before we have to deliver tangible value to our customers and the business, so it’s important we test the right way, just enough, before iterating again.

    Companies tend to follow the Agile methodology, so they have a framework to follow where they can consistently deliver value to the business and the customers over time.

    In the days of yore, the de-facto way to build product was using the Waterfall methodology, in contrast to Agile, where teams deliver value in one big release after months or even years of development.

    Testing can be hard to do, which is why so many companies simply don’t do it at all. It takes time and upfront effort, and when companies equate value with production, it can be a hard sell to continually do it. There’s been a ton of writing around how to conduct lean user research, so I won’t write about it here.

    Our work is never done

    Both science and design are “never finished”. Have you ever used a successful piece of software that never has updates? Or seen a news article that reads something like “Coffee is good for you” a year after reading an article titled “Coffee is bad for you”?

    That’s kind of the point, though isn’t it? Scientific studies are happening all the time and they’re always proving and disproving hypotheses.

    Nothing is certain 100% of the time, especially when dealing with something as erratic as human behavior. As outlined earlier, science usually has more weight to it’s decisions that software, so we don’t need to think that an immutable scientific truth such as gravity can be disproven as easily as a pattern in a social media application.

    I like to push the importance of “done over perfect” in my job, but of course there’s a lot of nuance in that phrase. There’s a balance that we are all striving for, while trying to destroy the perfectionist in ourselves. We want the things we deliver to be great without being reckless in our delivery or overthinking ourselves into a rut.

  • I’m No Longer Trying to Be the Best

    I find it difficult to take on a new hobby or activity in my life that isn’t some kind of means to an end. What I mean by that, is I can’t start drawing because it’s fun or relaxing, I have to have aspirations to be an artist. I can’t just code for fun or to learn, I have to have a goal of becoming a developer.

    This goes for the vast majority of things I do outside of work, and it extends beyond leisure. Maybe it’s some kind of competitiveness that I have with myself, or maybe it’s a competitiveness I have by seeing others accomplish so much at such a young age.

    Being a generalist with many interests is a double-edged sword. In some aspects, it’s great because I get to expand my horizons beyond one field or subject, and can more easily see patterns and adapt to what may come to me. On the other hand, it can be frustrating to not be a “master” in something, although I am naturally better and more interested in some things than others.

    I envy those who can simply do things for fun, or for its own intrinsic value, without a goal of becoming incredible at it. It’s not necessarily a bad thing to want to be good at whatever you are doing, but it becomes a problem when it removes enjoyment from the experience and a hobby is no longer a hobby, but almost another job.

    For me, I think it’s ingrained in my head that I want to try to be good at whatever I set my mind to, but there is a balance I believe I can get to where I can enjoy an activity because I enjoy the process, while having some smaller goal I can set my attention to.

    What is intrinsic value?

    When dealing with finance,

    “Intrinsic value is a measure of what an asset is worth. This measure is arrived at by means of an objective calculation or complex financial model, rather than using the currently trading market price of that asset.”

    intrinsic value finance graph

    This piece from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is interesting, discussing the notion of intrinsic vs extrinsic value, and if it even exists at all.

    At a basic level, something has intrinsic value when it is done for its own sake. Like I wrote above, you cook because you enjoy it, not to become a chef. You play music because it’s relaxing and fun, not to become a famous musician.

    Anything can have intrinsic value, if you apply it to an activity or object. You may have heard someone answer the question, “Why do you like this thing?” with “I just like it.” Which is actually a perfectly acceptable answer, no matter how passive it may seem.

    I also feel that living in a capitalist society, where to be of worth you need to be making money, could influence how people have difficulty assigning intrinsic value. Why would I do something “for fun” when I could be spending my time making more money? Or why start doing anything if my goal isn’t to become “the best’?

    In my opinion, American society thrives on competition, where starting a business and making a living isn’t good enough, you have to be bigger and better than your neighbor. You have to have the more expensive car, shop at the more expensive grocery store, and have more social media followers.

    Competition is a good thing, because it drives us out of our comfort zones and makes us demand more from our lives and the things we do. But just like anything, when it exceeds moderation, it can become a drug in itself, and a never-ending race between yourself and others, but it’s really between you and yourself.

    keeping up with the joneses

    How do I reach the point where I do things for their own sake?

    I believe a way for me to begin applying more intrinsic value to some of the things I do, is remember why I started doing them in the first place. If I have a full-time job where I make enough money to live on, I don’t need to do anything else for monetary value. I can if I want, but it’s not required.

    I’m speaking from a place of privilege of course, because there are many people who don’t have the luxury of leisure time, a hobby, or just relaxing. They have to work more than one job, take care of family, and do everything we all have to do as adult humans, which, with one full-time job is a lot.

    A good start is acknowledging when something is teetering into the “competitive with myself” range, and writing down why I started doing this thing in the first place.

    Setting smaller goals, and working towards those is also a good practice, instead of having a goal of becoming a “the best”, which is subjective anyway. You’ll never be undoubtedly “the best” at anything, really, so we should strive to just be better than we were yesterday.

    This is all easier said than done, but without taking action, we become stagnant and complacent.

    By acknowledging the problem and setting small goals, we can become better at applying intrinsic value at the things we want to, which is a skill in itself.