Y Bother - The X-Risk of Artistic Creation“Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.” — R. Buckminster Fuller Disclaimer: when I use the term AI, I’m not July 13, 2021

Zero-sum thinking“A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle” - James Keller For whatever reason, many times in my life I’ve had a bad case of “Keeping up April 16, 2021

The Social Blue Light Filter“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world”. John Muir On New Year’s Eve 2019, millions around September 8, 2020

Directness (Why Context is Important for Learning)When I have spare time, I enjoy reading books from a wide range of topics, and every so often there’s a “meta” book I read about the act of learning August 11, 2020

Parallels of the scientific method and design thinWhen I was in middle school, I first learned about the scientific method. I was told there exists a process that scientists follow to make July 20, 2020

I’m No Longer Trying to Be the BestI find it really difficult to take on a new hobby or activity in my life that isn’t some kind of means to an end. What I mean by that, is I can’t July 12, 2020